If you want to support the channel, becoming a patron is the best way to do it!
Patreon is a great platform for supporting creators outside the main institutions of academy or concert house. I have six membership levels for an increasing amount of support, and in return you get access to different benefits such as premium content, monthly updates, video end credits and more. Head on over to Patreon and check it out!
Upcoming Solo Album!
My International Solo Debut Album Scriabiniana have been in production since March and will be finished and released in October. It features his early Sonatas 1-5 and the Fantaisie - works that shows his pianistic vision unmatched by other composers, but still built within the robust classical frames and forms. It’s been a decade-long journey for me to learn these works and I now feel ready to share my interpretations with the world through a proper studio recording.
Check out the Crowdfunding Campaign on Indiegogo here:
If Patroen is too big of a commitment but you still want to support the channel, one-time donations are hugely appreciated!